Daisy Zheng, Ph.D.

Senior Data Scientist


Find interesting stories in data!

There are so many hidden stories that can be discovered and used to help people!

I spend my days meeting with my coworkers, thinking up new ideas, making a proof of concept version of those ideas, and presenting it to executives.

I tried to take the hardest math and science classes they offered at my school. They won't be easy and sometimes I was the only girl. But get comfortable being uncomfortable and you will go farther than you ever thought! After doing this for years, I earned my PhD from Stanford.

New adventures! I've traveled around the world for school and work, met many inspirational people, and learned that the only thing holding you back is your imagination.

I do obstacle course races (think Ninja Warrior), code up animatronics (think Disney), and recently started painting custom sneakers (I do my favorite cartoons)!

"Ralph Lauren was boring before I wore him." - Kanye