Tara Furiani

Chief Executive Officer

Not the HR Lady, is an organization that’s committed to helping companies to be truly inclusive workplaces, particularly the kind that limit Women, BIPOC & LGBTQ+ employees. We focus on all things People and we are experts in Leadership & DEI.

I am the founder and CEO. I host a popular show, Not the HR Lady, and consult with businesses around the world on their ‘People Strategy’.

I’m changing the world of work, I love being an “influencer” who actually makes a difference instead of someone who just makes videos for likes and followers. I create engaging content and allow others to help find and use their voices, for good.

I write a daily blog post, typically around one of the topics we’re doing work on (sexism, harassment, racism, etc...), we also film our show weekly and do 100% of the production, marketing and events. When I’m not working on our brand and our content, I’m working with businesses all over the world, helping them realize the Return of Investment (ROI) of People. I’m also a staunch employee activist and political contributor, helping to rewrite legislature that’s long outdated and not inclusive of broad protections.

I’ve spent 20 years in the workplace, 12 of them as a Chief People Officer, for some of the most well known brands in all industries. Most recently, pre-covid, I was the 1st & only Chief People Officer for The Alamo Drafthouse Companies (including Neon Films, we won Oscars in 2019 & 2020). I also have three degrees, including two masters.

My future is all about creating a better one for my daughters and my sons. I intend to grow Not the HR Lady, even more, and close the gender pay gap and ensure a more equitable world.

I am a mom of 7 kids and along with my partner, we love to travel (pre-covid), go to amusement parks (especially Disney), sing karaoke, play dark hide and seek, and create art together.

Having a real culture, that’s truly People first is critical. You can try and sell inclusivity but it takes a short period of time to see who’s performative and who’s invested in doing the work. If you’re on a dating site, you wouldn’t put up a photo of Idris Elba if you look like Steve Urkel. That’s catfishing, and you’re going to get found out, eventually. Same thing at work... we don’t want to get workfished.- Tara Furiani