Teresa Janowski

Founder & CEO

STEM Fast Track Real life mentoring programs that inspire primary & high school students to realise the possibilities of STEM careers.

We show girls who they can become and teach them life skills to build resilience while having fun!

I learn so much from the girls ! The possibilities of impacting girls, , industry and educators are endless!

Read a good ie inspiring and educational book for 20mins, go over my plan for the day. Coffee with my hubby. Either work “on” my business (work in new content, research, meet with industry partners, mentor my STEM Sista Ambassadors) or “in” my business (deliver programs) .

I have a degree in Computer Science and have worked in the IT,Tech sector for many years. I’ve had a very rewarding career but have gone through stuff I don’t want girls and women to experience- so I developed STEM Sista in 2014. My mum has been my biggest inspiration.

Excitement, fun, impact and joy! We will deliver our programs accross four continents and impact 10,000 girls to study stem.

I love to bake yummy decorative cakes and give them away ! Then watch Formula 1. I find the technology and strategies behind the sport very interesting.

Your life is in your hands 🙌🏼, hold on tight and make the most of it. Teresa Urban (my mum) Basically- work out what to do and do it, it’s up to you, no excuses, just get in with it. (Translated from Polish)