Varija Mehta

High School Sophomore

the Middlesex County Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Technologies, a vocational technical high school focused on STEM!

I currently take the Electrical and Computer Engineering track in high school and I would like to pursue a career in cybersecurity. Overall, I try to find as many opportunities possible to learn new things and be the best possible version of myself.

I love learning, especially the STEM-related subjects because I know that the problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that I acquire will be useful regardless of what I do in the future.

My typical day involves going to school! After school, I usually spend time doing work for organizations that I am a part of (including Reinvented Magazine, the nation's first print magazine made entirely by a team of women in STEM and Civil Air Patrol, which is the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force). Then, I finish up any pending assignments from school and then I wind down by playing some piano and/or reading a book!

Though there is still a long way for me to go, I have always immersed myself in extracurriculars and activities where I can try new things. I have been participating in math competitions as well as cybersecurity competitions (CyberPatriot, to be specific) since I was in 7th grade and this has all contributed to my interests today.

My future holds pursuing an undergraduate, masters, and hopefully even a doctorate one day! I want to major in cybersecurity and perhaps even work for the FBI or CIA!

My hobbies include playing the piano, dancing, and reading! You can always find me taking walks outside and listening to Khalid!

"Sometimes, even the sky isn't the limit for there are footsteps on the moon."