Prerana Manoj

AI Innovator & Founder

Founder of Trailblazers X Impact, writer, and AI projects/ innovations.

I share my journey of innovation, go to tech conferences, win national competitions, and build mindsets + connections with my publication. I also build projects that bridge gaps within environmental sustainability, healthcare, and education with the power of programming and Artificial Intelligence.

I love being able to constantly interact and use technology to help lives. There are so many causes I am passionate about; being able to take action being 15 years old while making an impact with tech gives me the greatest of joys.

As I am in high school, I do spend most of my day at school; which is pretty fun because I get to learn about Economics and Canadian Law! Physics is also quite intriguing. Then, when I get home, I begin working on my drafts for Trailblazers, get on calls for my AI projects, work on a new hackathon coming up, or play the Veena (an ancient instrument that helps me relax and gives me perspective on my problems and innovations).

My journey of innovation began with my interest in business and the water crisis. This led me to build a prototype of a product that received a shared investment on the 'Dragons Den' program. From then onwards, I've pushed myself into emerging technologies and continue to learn more while making a positive difference. I worked as a Software Engineering Intern @Walmart Global Tech at age 15 during my freshman summer. It was easily one of the coolest learning experiences of my life! I got to build and conduct research about a super impactful project with an amazingly brilliant team.

I want to head a tech giant company as the CEO, or run my own tech start-up while revolutionizing the industry one service at a time. I also want to be able to run a non-profit organization that is focused on sustainability to increase water accessibility in underdeveloped countries, and to help those in need.

I love playing chess! It is a hobby that helps me relax while also exercising my brain. I also love watching grandmasters play, because chess tactics can be even more exciting! I love singing and playing the Veena (an ancient Indian classical instrument); it helps me relax and creates a serene environment around me. I also love programming and writing. Programming helps me bring my innovation dreams to life, so I love making projects for fun. And I love writing because it is another form of expression and sharing my experiences with the world; my Medium publication, Trailblazers X Impact, is certainly a great venture for me.

"If you truly pour your heart into what you believe in, even if it makes you vulnerable, amazing things can and will happen." ~ Emma Watson