Nysa Khanna

Cheif Operations Officer

Salubrious.org - By collaborating with world leaders and an international team we aim to educate, empower, inspire and celebrate youth in STEM.

I handle all the operations going on, including both main departments and sub departments.

We have impacted more than 50,000 students across 45 countries and inspired many girls to pursue STEM!

Since I deal with international organisations, sometimes I have partnership meetings at 5 am with assigning of tasks and planning of future events as well as communicating with STEM leaders.

I started off with a "Kode with Klossy" scholarship, which gave me the skills to work as a leader in education technology.

In my future, I hope to continue to make an impact in research, solving of world problems, and, most importantly, putting a smile on people's faces.

A fun fact about me is that I can speak 7 languages. I'm an avid reader. I love to swim, play badminton, and cook. I simply adore playing with cats and dogs.

"The grass is greener where you water it." ~ Wolfgang Puck