Gimhani Kankanamge

Associate Technology Lead

LSEG Technology for London Stock Exchange Group

I'm coding, designing, planning, and testing software. We develop and operate high performance technology solutions, including trading, market surveillance and post trade systems for over 40 organisations and exchanges, including LSEG’s own markets.

I love that this work is challenging. Writing code is beautiful and fun!

I spend time writing code. discussing them with the team, testing them, finding 'bugs', and troubleshooting. :)

After secondary education, as I was interested in programming, so I took a course about Software Development with Java. I developed software for a driving school with it, and it was so enjoyable! So, at university, I selected Computer Science and Engineering for my Bachelor's degree.

Coding is every day a challenge. Face challenges, solve them, and go ahead.

I enjoy traveling around and reading.

"Life is a journey." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson