Pradnya Remalkar

Project Manager / Business Analyst

Refinitiv, a London Stock Exchange Group(LSEG) business Refinitiv is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. We provide information, insights, and technology that enable customers to execute critical investing, trading and risk decisions with confidence.

I am working as Implementation Relationship Manager. I have multiple feathers in my work hat. One role is to be a Business Analyst, and to understand client business requirements, manage end to end implementation of Refinitiv legacy product. Another role is to be a Project Manager, and collaborate with account management team to maintain client relationship.

The best part of my work is my team as well as clients! They are from central Europe region, which not only allows me to gain an experience of communicating with cross regional people, but also work on cross regional products.

On a typical work day, I start off by checking my emails. This way, I can reply to clients and get everything organized at the start of the day. I then look over my to-do list and get started on the projects that have my top priority.

I have earned a Bachelor's degree in Engineering. Later, I joined a networking company as a trainer. Now, after gaining years of experience in technology field, I am working as a Project Manager.

My dream aspiration is to explore myself in an international company far away from my home country.

My favorite pass time is to watch science fiction and fictional movies. My favorite movie right now is 'Black Panther - Wakanda Forever'. It's a movie with amazing imagination and animation skills that predicts future life on Earth.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." ~ Abraham Lincoln