Megan Murphy

Founder of The Kindness Rocks Project

The Kindness Rocks Project is a global kindness initiative that cultivates connections within communities. The idea is that "one message at just the right moment can change someone's entire day, outlook, life!"

I facilitate a global movement by providing resources and tools that encourage people to join The Kindness Rocks Project.

What I love about my work is that I am able to be in service and help people in need. I started the project when I, myself, was in need of kindness. That is why I am passionate about providing resources for others to join me in creating acts of kindness for others.

A typical day for me begins with sitting down with a morning cup of coffee and painting kindness rocks with messages that I need for myself. Next, I respond to messages and emails from people from around the world sharing their experience in finding a kindness rock. This typically takes me to mid-afternoon, as I receive hundreds of emails daily. I then take self-care time and walk my dog in nature before returning to my desk. There, I work on creating more resources for the project or writing speeches for upcoming talks. I travel a lot and give inspirational talks for organizations, schools, and companies.

I did not plan on creating an International movement that would become my career. I was an entrepreneur with a chain of fashion jewelry stores. As my stores became successful, I realized that I no longer found joy in that work, and so, I switched direction. I began walking the beach looking for inspiration for what would be my next career when I found a heart rock on the beach. That simple heart rock brought me so much joy that I began leaving painting rocks with inspiring messages for others. I guess you could say that my career found me! I do believe that if we pay attention to the things that we love to do or that bring us joy, a path unfolds.

My future endeavors include creating a women's storytelling platform called Her'd, where women of all ages can come together to listen, learn, and lift each other up! I am working on launching this initiative and can't wait to see how far it travels.

What makes me 'me' is spending time in nature with my dog, art, creating kindness rocks, connecting with other women, and encouraging them .... I find joy in cultivating connections and in making the world a better place than I found it.

"One message at just the right moment can change someone's entire day, outlook, life, so please be kind! " ~ Megan Murphy