Ilina Singh

Founder and Author

Ilina’s Art Throb creates social impact for school children, especially girls, in the space of STEAM education and leadership. I also wrote "Gutsy Girls Of Science" in partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It tells the stories of Indian women scientists through my art, poems, essays, interesting games, quizzes and activities.

I mentor school girls, advocate for more women in STEAM and leadership, and collaborate with like-minded organisations and individuals.

I love making a difference in the lives of young girls.

As an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley, my weekdays are committed school and to walk the talk on being a woman in STEM. My evenings and weekends are devoted to my organisation - mentoring, publishing, creating content, and advocacy.

First, my art project on teen mental health - “Crayons and Labels” - was used in a World Health Organisation (WHO) film, in which I am also featured. Then, my art on suicide prevention among teens was selected for a WHO publication. This initial recognition of my work with Ilina’s Art Throb fueled my dream of creating larger impact. Next, I worked with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on creating awareness of the need to attract more Indian girls in STEM by sharing the stories of Indian female pioneers in the field of science. This led to a featured open editorial (op-ed) article co-authored with the head of UNESCO in a national newspaper. My art tribute to Indian women scientists drew appreciation from the Indian government. The Prime Minister of India wrote to me and I also landed a book contract with HarperCollins! “The Gutsy Girls Of Science “ book was published in 2022 in partnership with UNESCO and set the stage for great media interest in the cause. It also gave me a platform for outreach and mentoring across schools as I met local children. My next book will focus on leadership for young girls.

I want to maximise the impact of my time in the USA - not just live my dream as a woman in STEM, but also to increase the scale of my social advocacy efforts to a global level. I want to make the same dream possible for girls around the world.

Apart from my creative pursuits - art and writing, I enjoy traveling , baking, and anything sporty.

"If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together." ~ African proverb