Suzanne Lord
Head of UK Output Operations, BBC News
One of the best teams in BBC News and without our team the news would not be broadcast. My team work in our studios and galleries outputting BBC News on TV and Radio in more than 40 languages.
I lead a big team of 400 people who all do cool stuff to put News on the tv and radio. A lot of my job is talking to people and making decisions.
I love lots of things about my job. I work with some brilliant people and we do some amazing things using some incredible technology.
Usually in meetings because I am the boss.
When I was growing up I loved News and watched Newsround. I became a journalist working in radio. I then got my dream job on Newsround and travelled all over the world. After that I worked in lots of different areas of news on some of the biggest stories. I’ve worked on elections, interviewed Prime Ministers, Olympic medal winners and pop stars, produced coverage of royal births and reported on breaking news like erupting volcanoes. I wanted to manage a team so then took this job. It is fab- making lots of decisions about how we do things.
I want to keep learning and challenging myself. I also want to see more girls think about a career in broadcasting. The opportunities and challenges are incredible.
I play tennis. I love it because you meet really interesting people and you are working out without knowing it. I also love going to the cinema- seeing a film on the big screen really takes you to a different life.
‘Do it’ or ‘Just say yes and work out how to do it afterwards’. Too often we let our inner voice put us off achieving what we should be doing.