Lisa Varga

Founder and Director

The Digital Collective (DigiCo)

The mission of DigiCo is to ensure all people have access to skills that can improve their lives and help them thrive in the digital age through a collective and unified approach. We aim to empower marginalised groups in society with the skills, confidence and pathways to meaningful work. We act as a catalyst of social impact, providing financial, technical and collaborative resources to existing European organisations. We also created a community of like-minded organisations working towards the digital inclusion of vulnerable individuals, to share knowledge and best practices.

I love that I get to help people of all ages, all over the world to be better and learn new things everyday.

My day is spent working with my team (virtually) looking at creative ways to bring learning and lessons to life. We meet up an think about big ideas that will help people to grow their businesses and hopefully make their lives better.

I didn't start out knowing what I wanted to do and it took lots of hard work and mistakes to get where I am now. I never stopped trying to do my best at whatever it was that life threw my way and I took advantage of every opportunity I was given. I had lots of help from amazing people along the way and wouldn't be where I am without all them.

To be honest, I am not sure! I will continue to try and make the world a better place and work hard at trying to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, and at the heart of that is using the tools and technologies we have available to help others.

I love to bake! I make all sorts of sweet and salty treats for my friends.

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." - Victor Frankl