Neerja Sonawane
Manager of Information Security
I work as a Manager of the Global Information Security Team at eBay. My job is to support my team make applications that help keep eBay secure from hackers!
I feel accomplished when I develop an application that helps the network security team. It gives me a sense of fulfillment to know that I helped stop/catch people who wish to do harm!
I start my day with a team meeting, where we discuss about what we did the day before and what we're planning to do on that day. Once we set our goals for the day, we start working on our tasks. We communicate with each other about our issues and help each other as much as we can. We update our progress as we complete our tasks to help us stay on track. We celebrate small wins, applaud/thank everyone for their contribution before signing off for the day.
I used to love studying science and maths when I was in high school. I completed Bachelor's of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from India. I worked as a Software Developer for 3 years in a multi-national IT company in India. Then I decided to pursue Master's degree in the United States. I earned a Master's of Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo, after which I got a job at eBay.
Currently, I want to continue to grow in my career and climb up the ladder to become a Director and, eventually, a CEO.
I love dancing! I've taken Bharat Natyam (a classical Indian dance form) lessons for almost 10 years. I also like to do makeup and I don't miss the chance to dress up for any occasion. I like painting and currently trying out gouache colors. I love to cook, so I often call all my friends over for dinner. We sing and dance until our feet hurt!
"Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others might not see you, simply because they’ve never seen it before." ~ Kamala Harris, 49th US Vice President