Jennifer Cox
Security Engineering Manager
I support my team who work with techies across all of Europe, Middle East, and Asia, enabling best practices and cyber exposure prevention. I'm the Head of Communications for Cyber Women Ireland, and an Ambassador for Wentors, a global mentorship programme for women.
It changes constantly and every day there are new challenges. I have to be ready to adapt and I never get bored. Primarily, I talk to clients and lead my team to ensure that businesses understand how best to protect themselves against potential cyber attacks.
My typical day involves a few different things. One-to-ones with my team members to ensure that they have everything they need and feel supported in what they are trying to do. Meetings with customers so that I can ensure to keep an eye on the frontline activities. Working with leadership on planning and structuring of the global teams in the future.
I first studied Theatre Studies and Media Production. Then, I began working in an administrative role at a tech company based in Ireland. There, I started to learn the various tools of the trade and skill sets that have enabled me to progress to a tech support role handling retail, payroll, and accounting software. After working there for 11 years, I sought a new challenge and joined Tenable in 2016.
Who knows? Besides my job, I do a lot of volunteer work around women and Diversity in Tech. I am an active member of WITS Ireland (Women in Technology and Science Ireland), WomenTech Community, and WiCyS Global (Women in Cyber Security). I work hard to ensure diversity and inclusion within my industry. Some examples are: judging at the Coolest Projects tech event for kids, launching a mentoring project in Tenable, speaking at events such as Women in Tech in 2019, BSides Dublin 2021, WomenTech Global 2022, BBWIC, CWiCS (Cisco Women in Cyber Security), CBF Fest (Coding Black Females Fest), and participating in the Irish Independent Newspaper "Women in Tech' podcast special as one of 4 women featured and interviewed by the Sunday Independent Editor, Samantha McCaughren.
I find the voluntary work I do is fun! Besides that, I have 4 boys and I keep myself busy with them and their activities, from rugby matches and Scouting, to exams and prepping for college.
"Know your own value. Don't let others tell you!" - Me