Sheila Kyle
Change Management Leader
iTalent Digital - We help companies harness the power of transformational change so that they achieve their most aggressive business goals.
I help people learn to do their jobs using new tools and approaches.
Every day is different so I never get bored.
My day is a mixture of listening to what my client's needs are, offering my expertise on how to address their problems, collaborating on the right solution and implementing the solution. Business problems and people are constantly changing, so we're typically addressing multiple problems at the same time.
I studied psychology in college thinking I was going to be a counselor. After college, I started working in Human Resources which led to a focus on how organizations grow and develop. My work now as a Change Management is a blend of focusing on both the growth of an organizations and the people that comprise the workforce of the organization. It's the best of both worlds.
I'm excited about the new products our company has launched. I look forward to improving the product and helping our clients implement it and use it effectively.
I love to garden. To me, nothing is more satisfying than digging in the dirt to plant a vegetable or flower then watch it grow! I especially enjoy growing tomatoes and roses.
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"-- African Proverb, Unknown Author