Lindsey Titus

Senior UX Engineer

Cisco Systems

Cisco's equipment helps power the internet! I work with designers to turn their designs into code

I have the ability to be artistic and creative as well as technical and logical.

I meet with designers to look at what they have created, and together, we develop a plan on how we can make our engineering applications look like their designs!

I grew up in a small town in Ohio. I worked really hard in school to earn a scholarship to attend Appalachian State University in North Carolina. I didn't have any formal experience with coding, other than making website layouts for fun, but that was enough for me to want to learn more and study Computer Science. Growing up, we didn't get out of town much, but I always had dreams of exploring other places. So, during college, I spent a year abroad studying in London, UK! In London, I took a computer networking class sponsored by Cisco, not knowing that that's where I'd end up working! Since I've always had an interest in design as well as technology, I started looking for opportunities at Cisco to help out in the design space. Cisco encouraged me to explore my passions. Now I'm an Engineer for Cisco, working with design and technology every day! :)

I'm helping Cisco develop their design process so that all of our applications have the same look and feel. I'll be leading a project of my own for the first time, and I'm excited to see my ideas come to life! Outside of work, I have goals of climbing hard mountains and traveling to new places.

I live in the mountains and I like so spend my free time rock climbing! It's a great way to practice problem solving skills while getting a break from the computer and spending time outside.

"Women belong in all places where decisions are being made." -RBG