Lina Maria Lozano Wilches



Arm is a semiconductor and software design company to create the technology of the future. I create scripts that allow us to analyze the performance of a test and extract data.

Everyday is slightly different, as you have to adapt to the current needs of the team. It is never boring!

Always team meetings in the mornings. Then I have time on my own to develop my work day. Then meetings later in the day to discuss work with the team.

I studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Management at Imperial College. For internships, I worked at JLR and at Arm. I really enjoyed my time, so I applied for a position at Arm and have been here ever since!

I want to start my own consultancy company for chip design!

I love Musical Theatre, so for fun, I go and watch shows in the West End!

"You can show more of the reality of yourself instead of hiding behind a mask for fear of revealing too much." - Betty Friedan