Bhavana Kilambi
Software Engineer
Arm Ltd - We design central processing units (CPUs) that are widely used in computers across the world.
I am a Software Engineer. My job involves improving Arm processor performance on Java computer software platforms .
I work on open source compiler - a piece of software that translates Java code to understandable machine code. I love the fact that my code eventually helps Arm processors perform at their best and thereby making them more competitive in the market.
A typical day at work involves me going to the office, collaborating with my teammates, having meaningful discussions with each other about the work we do, working on our own laptops for the majority of the time, and also enjoying a nice team lunch and amazing hot chocolate.
I have been working on compilers and compiler performance analysis since 2015. I was with IBM in India from 2015 to 2020, where I worked on improving compiler performance for IBM processors/machines. I joined ARM Ltd in 2021 on the Java Compiler team, where I work on the improving Java compiler performance of the Arm processors.
In the future, I wish to become very strong in terms of Java compiler knowledge. On the personal front, I am learning Indian classical dance and would like to start giving dance performances. :)
Outside of work, I like to read books, sing, and dance. I also love to travel to various places, meet new people, and learn the culture and traditions of that place.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. From the poem 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' by Robert Frost