Jennifer Smith Haylett

CEO and Creative Director

Black Lamb Media, LLC

Black Lamb Media is a video and design company that helps businesses communicate effectively with their target audience. My team and I create promotional videos, design websites, and create graphics for businesses to increase their customer base and sales.

I love that I get to be creative and bring stories to life.

Every day is different. I could be editing a video, on-location filming a video, designing a company website or graphics, or working on Black Lamb Media's marketing.

In high school, I fell in love with video and used any excuse to create videos. I made a video for every school project and even filmed and edited silly videos with my friends. In college, I still had a passion for video and majored in Communications and Media Studies with minors in Leadership, Business, and Graphic Design. Many of my college classes were working with real clients, helping their businesses, which is how I realized I enjoyed it. After graduating college, I wanted to continue working with clients and started my own business. After two years of working another job, running Black Lamb Media on the side, and saving enough money to make the leap of faith, I quit my other job and have worked for Black Lamb Media full-time ever since.

The honest answer is I don't know, and I am okay with that. I have a clear vision of leading a creative company with integrity that works with people making positive change in the world, and we have specific goals tied to that vision. I want to continue with the trajectory of building the business. I don't need to have everything figured out, nor do I feel the need to have the traditional big, ambitious dreams around the company. I am happy to have a clear vision and to be content, continue to work, and reevaluate what is good for me and what isn't as I go.

I love to play basketball, be in nature, read, play video games, hang out with my friends, and spend lots of time with my wife.

“You don’t need to see the whole staircase; you just need to take the next step.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.