Christina van Fosson
Marketing Manager
Cisco Systems
Cisco is the worldwide leader in technology that powers the internet. As a marketing manager, I generate interest in products and services by conducting research, creating strategic plans, and working with others to reach shared goals together.
I love that I get to work with very smart, hard-working, and caring people, helping them to make the both the internet and its users safer.
I usually start my day by reviewing my calendar so I prepare for meetings with my coworkers or with people who work at other companies we do business with. I also create my to-do list and prioritize my work based on what’s most important and what is due soonest. Most of my work is related to researching, planning, and preparing for industry conferences where many other businesses come together to learn from each other; and writing and editing digital communications like blogs, articles, and emails that will reach hundreds or thousands of people.
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and watched the technology companies around me grow, too. After graduating from high school, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do professionally yet, so I started studying for an undergraduate degree at a local community college, where I learned how to transfer and graduate from a four-year college. I took the classes that were transferrable and transferred to Santa Clara University, where I majored in English because I enjoy reading and writing. After graduating, my first job was in the technology industry. I started my first job in marketing as a Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Since then, I have worked in different jobs that weren’t all marketing jobs, but where I learned more skills to reach where I am today.
I will be volunteering to help homeless people in the community and helping them to have better lives.
I like spending time outdoors, in nature, and in big open spaces. I enjoy hiking, biking, spelunking, and paddleboarding, among other activites to do outside.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt